About me ^_^

Hello.. Hello...

Hye... My name is Nur hazirah Zulkifli ^_^
My nick name is ira...
I am year 2 girls.. I studying at Sekolah Kebangsaan desa Jasmin..

I like to eat Burger ;) Very delicious.. :)
i like to drink milo ice..

9 april is my bithday.. (haha.. birthday pon nak bagitahu!)
I born in melaka...

Aaron aziz is my sweetheart...

azilah, aisyah, and izzatul is my best friends!

dont forget to follow my blog kayh! If you follow me, of course i follow u back.. (if you have a blog)..

me & my sisters ;)
She has a blog.. there her link:

End about me ;)